Friday, August 24, 2012

Changes Can Bring Fears and New Decisions

The past week has been a series of changes for my family.  My children have gone to a small private Christian school for years and after much anguish and prayer we decided to send them to public school.  To say this mom had fears over this decision is an understatement, but all along the way GOD has confirmed in little ways this was a good choice. 

As we went to prepare for their first days there was a lot of nerves on their part and for my daughter most of all.  It has been difficult to watch her go through this.  While we were getting her schedule and walking around the school I looked over and there were big tears streaming down her face.  I tried to reassure her that it was going to be okay.  Her words were, "One room is bigger than my whole school."  All I could say is, "I know, but it will be okay." You are going to love it.  She had so many fears.  She feared not being able to find her classes, getting lost, not meeting new friends, not be accepted, just to name a few.

My son has seemed to take it all in stride and was so excited.  Yesterday he abruptly gave up on a dream he has had for years of playing baseball.  He has played for 10 years.  To us it seemed so abrupt, but I believe he had been thinking of it for a while.  My struggle with this is as a parent when do you push a child to stick with something and when do you let them just quit?  He was miserable.  He hated the workouts necessary to get in shape and ready to play ball at a high school level.  We have told him for years when he decided to quit to just tell us.  He is the one that has to put the work in for that so of course we are supporting his decision. It was heartbreaking to see him struggle through this.  It was not an easy decision.

This got me thinking about how GOD must feel at some of our decisions and fears we face every day.  HE can see the big picture.  HE knows what is coming. How many times has HE wanted to reach down and tell me, "It is going to be okay, hold on precious child.  I'm here and I know what is coming. You are going to be fine"  As I reflect on how I need to encourage my children, telling them it is going to be okay, you are going to be fine knowing it is hard for them to see in their position.  I hope next time I have a fear arise or have to make a decision that I am unsure about that I will remember this and remember that GOD has a plan for our lives.  HE calls us to do things sometimes out of our comfort zone, but HE also equips us to do these things.  I need to just stand firm and trust HIM. 

I don't know the future, but I know the ONE who does and I know HE is equipping my children for a bright future. 

Saturday, April 30, 2011


I have been working for months on costumes for the dance studio where my daughter dances.  There have been a lot of hours spent choosing styles, colors, fabirc, etc.  This weekend was the dress rehearsal where all the kinks get worked out and everything comes together for the first time. 

We have had our share of setbacks with making these costumes. I have worked with each one of them and have seen them close up.  I know every imperfection in them.  I was blessed to get to watch some of the dances today and see the fruits of our labor and later as I was looking through pictures that were posted, it made me think of how the stage, lighting and the movement covers all those imperfections. On the stage you do not see the the imperfections from far off.  This reminded me of how the blood of JESUS covers our sins and imperfections.  We see our own imperfections in ourselves, whether we admit it or not and others may see them too.  Thankfully when our Heavenly Father looks at us and sees us covered by the blood of JESUS, all our imperfections are not seen thanks to a Savior who took our sins upon Himself and died on the cross for us.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Just as I suspected

I called and did not get the news I hoped for, but I know there is a plan and GOD knows what is next even if I do not.  Whatever the future holds, it will be in HIS plan and with HIS timing.

GOD's Timing

I hate waiting.  Currently, I am waiting on an answer I hope to get today about the possibility of a new job.  I think it would be a dream.  I know I could do a good job, just need an opportunity. 

As I was praying and thinking about this yesterday my mind was flooded with memories of previous times in my life when things did not always go as I had hoped or I did not get the news I wanted.  In every case within just a short time I eventually ended up with the very thing I had hoped and did not get.  It is all in GOD's timing.  I can recall time after time in my life this has happened, but the 2 that stand out most are below.... 

The first time I can think of this happening in my life was long before I even knew the LORD.  It was the summer between my 8th and 9th grade year.  My dad talked me into trying out for "roundup club queen".  I was terribly shy and did not like attention drawn to myself.  I did it though.  It was not something I would have sought for myself, but I have to say that once I tried, I wanted it.  I was disappointed when I did not win. Another girl who was  older and much more polished than myself got the title.  I got Co-Queen or runner up.  I was disappointed, however, before we really even began our duties the other girl had to drop out for very personal reasons and I took her place.  It was one of the most memoriable and fun summers I had in my youth.  I learned a lot that summer and had fun just traveling through the state riding in parades.

Another time I applied for a job at a company as I was in the middle of one of the most painful periods of my life. I was going through a divorce and needed a job very badly. I had little hope in life and was not sure I would ever have the family my heart so desired.   I applied to a company and wanted the job, but they decided to go with another candidate. Within a few months that situation did not work for them and they called me and offered me a position.  I got the job afterall.  Through that job, I met my wonderful husband.  Today, I have the family my heart desired.  Good things come to those who wait on the LORD. 

I must not make good first impressions.  I am not sure if GOD brought these situations to my mind to remind me that HE is always in control and no matter what HIS will will be done because I will not get the answer I want or if HE simply wanted me to remember those times to ease my anxious heart.  I know that if this does not work out as I want I will be disappointed, but GOD will send something in HIS timing that will be better.  GOD is in control and nothing can stop HIS plan.